‘Veterans’ Reflections’ Gets New Marketing Campaign
William R. Graser’s book focuses on military service seen through firsthand accounts of 60 war veterans
Londonderry, NH (PRWEB) March 23, 2017 — At the conclusion of the 2007 Veterans’ Day ceremony, several veterans stated that it was the first time anyone had taken the time to thank them for their service. Their appreciation for William R.
Photo By Staff Sgt. Timothy Koster | Retired U.S. Army Sergeant First Class William Graser, talks about his book, “Veterans’ Reflections: History Preserved.”
Retired U.S. Army Sergeant First Class author, William Graser, presented his book, “Veterans’ Reflections,” which he wrote to honor war veterans who served in World War II through the Afghanistan War,
June is PTSD Awareness Month. Help raise awareness of PTSD and its effective treatments by sharing this post! To discover ways to connect and share, visit the National Center for PTSD website: www.ptsd.va.gov. Promotional materials and a list of ways to help raise PTSD awareness.
Take the mystery out of PTSD: learn what it is, who is affected, and how treatment can help.
The stories in Veterans’ Reflections: History Preserved will put you in the middle of the action of our nation’s wars and conflicts. Through 60 firsthand accounts and stories of veterans who served during World War II, the Cold War, Korean War, Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam War, Korean DMZ Conflict also known as the Quiet War, Operation Desert Storm and Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan); you’ll find yourself paying tribute to every veteran you meet. The military service of millions of Americans is reflected in these stories.
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